There is no such thing as safe drinking and driving. Do not Drink and Drive!

Alcohol impacts the ability to drive by affecting your coordination, reflexes, reaction time, vision, and judgement of speed and distance.

Play it smart. If you plan to drink, find alternative solutions – use public transit, call your parents, call a taxi, use a drive home app, appoint a designated driver, sleep over at a friends house – to ensure you get yourself and your loved ones home safe and protect everyone else on the road.

The federal Criminal Code in Canada defines alcohol-impaired drinking as a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level over 0.08. In addition, each province implements sanctions on those found driving with a blood alcohol level of over the provincial limit, which ranges from 0.04 in Saskatchewan to 0.08 in Alberta and Quebec.

Alcohol has the same effect no matter which alcoholic beverage you drink. Exactly how it affects you, and the exact amount of alcohol it takes to put you over a BAC of 0.08, depends on several factors, including:

Body type
The smaller your body and lower your body mass, the higher the BAC in your body.

Women generally have lighter body frames and more fatty tissue than muscle compared to males, and therefore tend tohave higher BAC since alcohol is water soluble.

Body water content decreases with age, so an elderly person will reach a higher BAC faster than a younger individual.

Food consumption
BAC will rise faster in a person that has consumed alcohol without food, than in someone who has eaten.

Additional factors could also include the medication you are taking that may interact with alcohol, your past experiences with drinking, your overall health, and your mood.

Following Low Risk Drinking Guidelines can help you support a balanced and healthy lifestyle!